Editing the Group Web Pages via Github

By the way, you can retrieve the pages without a github account and without me making you a collaborator. You can use the shell command
 git clone git@github.com:StatComputingUCDavis/Spring12BBSeminar.git
But you can't push changes back to this shared repository until you get an account on github and send the user name to me.
  • Get a free account on github.
  • Send me mail and I will add you as a contributor so that you can send changes back
  • Install git
  • Use git to get a copy of the Web site files that you can edit on your machine
    In the shell, (or use a GUI for git or the github Web site)
    git clone git@github.com:StatComputingUCDavis/Spring12BBSeminar.git      
    This will create a directory named Spring12BBSeminar.
  • The HTML (etc.) files are in the branch named gh-pages (short for "github pages").
    Switch to this branch with
    git checkout gh-pages      
    The HTML files will now be there.
  • You'll only have to do the previous steps once.
  • Now, edit the HTML files as you want.
  • Check that they display correctly in your browser.
  • Commit any files you changed with
    git add Resources.html index.html newFile.html
    git commit -m "a message describing the changes"      
  • Send the changes back to github and to the group web site with
    git push origin gh-pages       
    The updated HTML pages can then be seen at http://statcomputingucdavis.github.com/Spring12BBSeminar/index.html
  • To get the most recent versions that other people may have changed, etc. use
    git pull origin gh-pages      
    Make certain to do this before editing any of the files.
  • There are other ways to streamline the git process, but this is the simple way.

    We'll talk about this next Tuesday in our first meeting. In the meantime, if you have difficulties, mail me with the content you want to add or with questions about how to cure the problems.

    Why aren't we using a Wiki or something else?

    Good question. Because this mechanism introduces you to github and git and that is just "a good thing"™.

    Duncan Temple Lang <duncan@wald.ucdavis.edu>
    Last modified: Mon Apr 9 22:48:57 PDT 2012